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Sunday, 3 December 2017

If money is not received from ATM, the money will be penalized by the bank

If money is not received from ATM, the money will be penalized by the bank

While withdrawing money from the ATM, sometimes the money is not paid even after the transaction is completed, sometimes the money is being deducted from the account even after the money is not withdrawn. Therefore, now the Reserve Bank has said that the amount of money from the person's account is deducted, The customer who has to pay a fine of Rs 100 per day.The Reserve Bank has clarified that in such cases the customer receives compensation, but most of the people do not have enough knowledge about such a matter. Regarding this, the Reserve Bank has said that any customer, regardless of who has transmitted from the bank's ATM, in such cases, the customer will be compensated by their bank.

To get a penalty from the bank for this, you have to makea 30-day account statement for the transaction to be depleted. In addition, bank officials will also have to provide ATM card information. However, in such a situation the customer is not seeking or receiving their privateinformation. In this way, if the amount is deducted from the person's account, then the bank will have to pay a fine of Rs 100 per day to the customer.

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