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Saturday, 4 November 2017

Western Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices Recruitment

Western Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices Recruitment
Western Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices Recruitment. Our site Edumaterial  provides  information about all types of new jobs, academic news and competitive exam materials in Gujarat and India. From here you can get different jobs. Such as graduate jobs, engineer jobs, diploma candidate jobs, MBA jobs,low job and various other jobs. Our site is famous for the preparation of competitive exams.We provide complete examination material for examination conducted from TET, HIT, TET, Police Examination, Clerk Examination, GPSC Examination, Panchayat Clerical Examination and other Gujarat Levels. Visit Edumaterials every day for the latest offers of various brands andother technology updates. तमाम करंट अफेर माटे अहि क्लीक करोCommon knowledge useful for various competitive exams in Gujarat, English grammar, Gujarati grammar, Gujarati literature, mathematics, science and more. Stay connected to Edumaterial forcomplete preparation of competitive exams. Western Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices Recruitment.  We upload various circulars about the primary education department at blog. All the circulars of the district and the Directorate of Gandhinagar Gandhinagar All circulars of primary, secondary and higher secondary department We also upload various job updates from various government and non-government sectors across India.  ટેસ્ટ પેપર માટે અહી ક્લિક કરોWestern Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices RecruitmentIndian Railway is now giving a job opportunity to the fresher candidates who want to start their career on the post of Trade Apprentices. Candidates with 10thpassed certificate who also holds ITI certificate can apply for this vacancy. It’s a good chance for candidates who are willing to workwith a government organization. Interested candidates may read other details like age limit, pay scale, qualifications, how to apply etc. are mentioned below here:Who is Eligible to Western Railway Ahmadabad Trade Apprentices Recruitment?10th passed candidates are eligible to apply for this post.How much can you earn from this post?Candidates will be paid as per norms of organization.Deadline to apply for this post?Willing applicants should attend walk-in-interview on 17th November 2017.DETAILS OF TRADE APPRENTICE JOBName of the post:– Trade ApprenticesLast date:– 12nd November 2017Number of Posts: 388Location:– AhmadabadEducation Qualification:- Candidates must be 10th passed with ITI certificate in relevant trade.Age Limit:- 15-24 YearsSalary:- As per NormsSelection process:– Written test followed by interviewHow to apply:- Willing and interested applicants should send application form in prescribed format to Divisional Railway Manager’s Office, Establishment Branch, Personnel Department, EM Section, Kothi compound, Rajkot — 360001 on or before 12thNovember 2017.

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