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Friday, 17 November 2017

Three steps may be made with a SIM card, a link to the support card

Three steps may be made with a SIM card, a link to the support card,
the mobile company announced the planThree steps may be made with a SIM card, a link to the support card, the mobile companyannounced the planThree steps may be made with a SIM card, a link to the support card, the mobile companyannounced the planUnique Identification Authority of India - UDAI has approved the new plan for telecomcompanies to link the SIM card with a support card. This process will start next month. UIDAI CEO Ajaybhushan Pandey saidthat the government had given permission to join last month with OTP, interactive voiceresponse, and support from the app. The date for linking all SIM cards with a support card is February 6.Last month, the government announced three stamps to link the Aadhar card to the mobile number. To get the telecom companies to bring their blueprint with it, he said. The government, in view of the securityof telecom companies, asked to prepare a plan under the Support Act and the Prosecution of Privacy Act, UIDAI approved the plan considering it. Mobile number will be linked through OTP, App and IVRS facility.The purpose behind this plan is to facilitate the process for people who are interested.The old process will also remain in placeAlong with the new plan, support can also belinked in the old way. This is called re-verification. Customers can go to the company's stores and link their support base to their mobile number. Companies of companies for the Divisions, Senior Citizens and Seriously sick people will come and make this process. The company has been instructed for service points and Irish machines. Customers will be able to link support through Irish Authentication.

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