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Monday, 13 November 2017



WhatsApp looks to be in the final testing stages with the servers now able to handle recalling messages that have already been sentWABetaInfo, a Twitter account focused on WhatsApp beta, revealed the news thatDelete For Everyone is drawing near to its release date.They said that Facebook-owned WhatsApp are currently testing the feature and that it will be “available soon”.WABetaInfo said: “DELETE FOR EVERYONE FEATURE: WhatsApp is finallytesting the Delete for Everyone feature: the server finally works and it successfully recalls the message.“Also if the server works, this does not mean that the feature is currently enabled.“It will be remotely enabled later, and seenthat WhatsApp “enabled” their servers for the Delete for Everyone feature, it may really be enabled soon.”In a later tweet they added once a message is deleted it will be removed from the Notification Centre.The new feature, which is coming to iOS and Android, will be a huge boost for anyone who has ever sent a text messageand immediately regretted it.Sponsored AdsWHATSAPP DELETE FOR EVERYONE FEATURES :- DELETE SENT MSG IN WHATSAPPThe feature has long been rumoured, reporting on the existence of it back in February.Back then we revealed that WhatsApp were trialling the new feature within its iPhone beta software.Those with access to the early beta release say the feature is disabled by default, meaning users have to know of its existence, and seek it out within the settings menu to enable it.Pressing and holding on a sent message within the iOS version of WhatsApp now includes two new options in the small menu.Edit will let you change the content of the message, while Revoke lets you pull the text from the conversation – as if it never existed.Delet sent msg in WhatsappWhatsapp Delet for EveryoneWhatsapp New FeaturesUnfortunately, the ability to revoke your message will only work when the recipient hasn’t seen the text.WhatsApp can currently delete messagesfrom your own device, however the deleted messages will remain visible to the recipients.The new Delete for Everyone feature will reportedly allow users to recall all messages that have been sent within the last five minutes.This includes text-based messages as well as those that include images, videos and GIFs.Sent files with quoted messages and attached documents will also be able to be recalled, as will Status replies.Unfortunately, there is a catch – only messages that have not yet been opened or read by the recipient can be recalled.

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