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Monday, 30 October 2017


exam Essay-writing in the exam contextWhat constitutes a good essay in the exam context?Is it ok to answer exam questions on topics covered in coursework essays?Do the criteriafor judging a good essay differ between those submitted in termtime and those submitted as exam responses?If so, how does the marking of exam responses reflect these differences?How do students typically under-perform in exams?What constitutes a good essay in the exam context?Examinations test the ability to formulate a coherent argument and analysis;to produce an answer which is clearly structured and directly relevant to thequestion; to show knowledge of the module, some evidence of furtherreading and critical ability; and to do so concisely and in a restricted periodof time.A good exam response therefore:Directly addresses the questionDevelops a logical and clearly structured argument in relation to the question.Draws on and applies what has been learnt within the module.Demonstrates critical thinking (not purely descriptive)Supports and illustrates its argument with explicitacknowledgement ofpublished sourcesShows an ability to manage exam timeReally good exam papers do all this, and show some independence of thought. Note: thecriteria of what is expected from a script for each degree class are given in theDepartment Handbook.Is it ok to answer exam questions on topics covered in essays?Yes, with a note of caution! It is fine touse in exams material you've studied inconnection with your coursework (even where you’ve written essays on the topic),providing you make absolutely sure you AVOID using the actual content ofessays, i.e.reproducing (whether precisely or overly closely) sentences or paragraphs alreadywritten, because:how does the marking of exam responses reflect these differences?How do students typically under-perform in exams?What constitutes a good essay in the exam context?Examinations test the ability to formulate a coherent argument and analysis;to produce an answer which is clearly structured and directly relevant to the.

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