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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Your Mistake Can Be In The Mobile Virus Attack

Your Mistake Can Be In The Mobile Virus Attack

!Email virusSometimes the e-mail has to be taken to get the virus into your phone. In that case, you must have identification of virus mails.When an email comes to your email, whoseemail address is not understood, its subject is different, do not open it to the email. It can be a virus, which can steal your email account data. If you use online banking from a phone, this virus can hack up to the bank account.1. These errors can be caused by virus attacksMobile users constantly face a virus attackproblem. Sometimes a user has a complaint that the virus comes in the phone without downloading anything. New viruses are generated every second on the Internet, some of which come in the phone itself. Sometimes users use the site or appinadvertently, which is infected with the virus. Apart from that, the use of public WiFi users may be expensive. Virus attack reduces the speed of the phone, which triggers phone hanging.2. These bugs may be caused by virus attacksAnti-virusLike computers and laptops, smartphones also require an antivirus. Because your personal data is also present on your smartphone. At this time there are many anti-viruses present for phone security. With which you can avoid virus attacks.3. These bugs may be caused by virus attacksOf BluetoothSome users keep the phone on and off only once in a phone. Each time Bluetooth is on the phone, it increases the risk of the virus for the phone. By Bluetooth, you can go to your mobile by going to your cell phone and learn to do the same on Bluetooth. Only keep the Bluetooth on the need and keep it on when the job is done.4. These bugs may be caused by virus attacksPop-up optionThe pop-up opens up suddenly on the Internet, when clicking on a movie or some other search. The virus can be easily infected by clicking on it. That's why blocking it is the best option. Go to the smartphone's browser settings for it. Where in the Site Settings you will get the option to block pop-up. Block it5. These bugs may be caused by virus attacksPublic Wi-FiPeople always use public WiFi to protect existing data in your phone. Let's tell you that there is a high risk of getting Wi-Fi virus. That's why turn off the WiFi just afterleaving the home or office. If there was a WiFi network coming from an unknown source, do not even connect the phone to it. It is possible that it is a virus.6. These errors can be caused by virus attacks
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