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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

These tricks will increase the speed of your Android phone

These tricks will increase the speed of your Android phone
In today's world, Internet has become our requirement. Now tariffs are cheap, but thespeed of internet is still a problem issue for users. Users are not able to get the speed of the Internet when using 3G-4G networks. Today we have come up with a solution to this problem. We are telling yousome tricks that can increase the speed of your Android smartphones.2. Increasing Internet speed using TricksClear the smartphone's cacheInternet speed can be increased by clearing the smartphone's cash memory. When your cache memory will be in the flower or higher. You will get low net speed. In that case you should keep the cash clear for the best speed.3. Increase Internet speed using TricksUninstall unneeded appHaving multiple apps reduces your Internetspeed. In that, uninstall the app, which is used less or not. For that, you can go to thesetting and delete the default app from theApp Manager.4. Increasing Internet speed using TricksSelect text mode in the browserIf you have to do any search and you want the text attached to the search, you can just surf the text and disable the image. This will increase the number of women in your internet speed. As such, you can disable image search by going to Extensions in Chrome browser.5. Increase Internet speed using Tricks3G / 4G in Prefer NetworkYou can customize which network you use.Sometimes there is a need to change their data bands by going to the prefric network.If you go to the setting and 2G in the PreferNetwork, select 3G and 4G.6. Increase Internet speed using TricksFast BrowserIn Android's Play store you will find some browsers that have a lot of browsing speed. Use it instead of the default browser. It includes a browser like Opera Mini, UC Browser and Chrome. By using this browser you will be able to see that your data speed has improved.1. Increasing Internet speed using TricksIn today's world, Internet has become our requirement. Now tariffs are cheap, but thespeed of internet is still a problem issue for users. Users are not able to get the speed of the Internet when using 3G-4G networks. Today we have come up with a solution to this problem. We are telling yousome tricks that can increase the speed of your Android smartphones.2. Increasing Internet speed using TricksClear the smartphone's cacheInternet speed can be increased by clearing the smartphone's cash memory. When your cache memory will be in the flower or higher. You will get low net speed. In that case you should keep the cash clear for the best speed.3. Increase Internet speed using TricksUninstall unneeded appHaving multiple apps reduces your Internetspeed. In that, uninstall the app, which is used less or not. For that, you can go to thesetting and delete the default app from theApp Manager.4. Increasing Internet speed using TricksSelect text mode in the browserIf you have to do any search and you want the text attached to the search, you can just surf the text and disable the image. This will increase the number of women in your internet speed. As such, you can disable image search by going to Extensions in Chrome browser.5. Increase Internet speed using Tricks3G / 4G in Prefer NetworkYou can customize which network you use.Sometimes there is a need to change their data bands by going to the prefric network.If you go to the setting and 2G in the PreferNetwork, select 3G and 4G.6. Increase Internet speed using TricksFast BrowserIn Android's Play store you will find some browsers that have a lot of browsing speed. Use it instead of the default browser. It includes a browser like Opera Mini, UC Browser and Chrome. By using this browser you will be able to see that your data speed has improved.1. Increasing Internet speed using TricksIn today's world, Internet has become our requirement. Now tariffs are cheap, but thespeed of internet is still a problem issue for users. Users are not able to get the speed of the Internet when using 3G-4G networks. Today we have come up with a solution to this problem. We are telling yousome tricks that can increase the speed of your Android smartphones.2. Increasing Internet speed using TricksClear the smartphone's cacheInternet speed can be increased by clearing the smartphone's cash memory. When your cache memory will be in the flower or higher. You will get low net speed. In that case you should keep the cash clear for the best speed.3. Increase Internet speed using TricksUninstall unneeded appHaving multiple apps reduces your Internetspeed. In that, uninstall the app, which is used less or not. For that, you can go to thesetting and delete the default app from theApp Manager.4. Increasing Internet speed using TricksSelect text mode in the browserIf you have to do any search and you want the text attached to the search, you can just surf the text and disable the image. This will increase the number of women in your Internet speed. As such, by going to the extension in Chrome browser
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