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Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Sevakiy parsano ni rajuat ni padhdhti naki karva babat

Sevakiy parsano ni rajuat ni padhdhti naki karva babat
The teacher’s profession is considered as thebest and ideal profession in this world as theyprovide selfless duty to shape someone’s life.Their committed work cannot be compared toanything. Teachers are those who always takecare of their all students. They check their food habits, cleanliness level, behaviour to others, and concentration towards study. They check our nails weekly to maintain cleanliness and hygiene and prevent us from diseases. They organize health camp quarterly for us in the school campus where student’s weight, height, IQ level, blood pressure, heart rate, lungs capacity, blood check up, urine check up, chickenpox immunization, immunization for MMR, measles, DPT booster dose, polio drop, etc takes place to closely monitor and maintain the health records of us.Teachers are never bad, it is only their way of teaching which is different from each other and makes them different in the mind of students. They only want to see their studentshappy and successful. A good teacher never loses patience and teaches every student accordingly. Our teachers motivate us to wearclean clothes, eat healthy foods, avoid junk foods, care for parents, behave well with others, come to school at right time in proper uniform, never tell lie to anyone in life, react positively, take care of school property, take care of your books, copies, and other study material, always pray to God for better concentration on study, always discuss to your subject teacher about any confusion, do not argue with strangers and many more.
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